Never forget that your own government tried to murder you.

Never forget that your own government tried to murder you
Each day that you wake up, never forget that your own government plotted to murder you with a theatrical “plandemic” that was engineered as a fear PSYOP to convince you to line up and take an experimental mRNA injection that programmed your body’s cells to manufacture spike protein bioweapons with the intended purpose of ending your life.
If you ever trust a single thing that your government says, does or demands, you are suffering either from Stockholm Syndrome or severe brain damage, and if you continue to follow your government’s advice on health and medicine, you will likely soon find yourself dead.
Depopulation is their goal, and vaccines are their weapons. Pandemics are the fear engine, and censorship is how they prevent people from coming to their senses and seeing right through the whole charade.
Watch my powerful interview with Andy Wakefield to get fully red-pilled on vaccines, autism and Big Pharma’s ongoing crimes against humanity:
📋 Watch the full episode to learn more: (by Segment)- US-Russia tensions, potential war, and drafts in Europe. (0:03)
– Vaccine safety and controversy. (0:01)
– Deception in the vaccine industry and lack of accountability. (4:24)
– Vaccine safety and pharmaceutical industry ethics. (8:44)
– Filmmaking, directing, and protocol for digital release. (16:04)
– Documentary film about Merck’s alleged fraud, legal risks, and potential impact. (21:36)
– Vaccine safety and autism, filmmaker’s approach to creative works. (25:37)
– Autism trends, neurological damage, and vaccine safety. (32:48)
– Vaccine safety and effectiveness, with a focus on COVID-19. (39:10)
– Vaccine safety and censorship in the military and government. (46:00)
– Vaccine safety and censorship. (52:27)
Andy Wakefield joins Mike Adams to talk about his new film called ‘Protocol-7’ ~ Broadcast [Duration 59:03] 
Mike Adams is helping to create a better world.
Uncensored, Unfiltered, Unedited, & Commercial Free.
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